Nets & Repeaters

Elk Mountain RepeaterMontrose RepeaterForkston Repeater
Weekly Net:
Wednesday 8:00pm Local
Weekly Net:
BACKUP Wednesday 8:00pm Local
Weekly Net:
BACKUP Wednesday 8:00pm Local
Primary RepeaterSecondary RepeaterTertiary Repeater
Linked at time of Net

The Susquehanna County ARES Weekly Net takes place every Wednesday at 8:00PM on the Elk Mountain Repeater immediately after the SCARC Weekly Net at 7:00PM.
In-case of Elk Repeater failure, the Montrose Repeater will be used.
In-case Elk AND Montrose are down, Forkston will be used.

    * Sunday, 0900E hrs     3.987.50 Mhz LSB

    * Daily, 1700E hrs 3.918.0 Mhz LSB

    * Monday, Wednesday, & Friday, 2000E hrs 3.910.0 Mhz, after check in switch to  3.907.0 Mhz

    * Sunday 0730E hrs, 3.583 Mhz USB, waterfall 1500, using Thor22

These nets are open to all ARES volunteers. If you do check in just state that you are representing Susquehanna County ARES volunteers. All ARES members are welcome. 

SC-ARES Net Preamble

Interested in being the Net Control Station for a net or two,
let us know below!
