With the inclement weather upon the region this afternoon on into Monday morning, I am making the following request of all SC-ARES volunteers, SCARC members, and SKYWARN spotters to keep your radios on and check in with INTEL or weather reports as outlined below.

1) Beginning at 1300E hrs., (today) Sunday December 10, 2023, start to monitor the Elk Mountain repeater, 145.430 Mhz, -.600 Mhz, PL 77.0 Hz. If there are any issues due to this storm event you can reach out to share information or ask for assistance there.


2) Due to the ground being saturated from the earlier rain, then a wet snowfall, along with gusty winds, there is a high probability that folks may loose power. Now would be a good time to make sure your radio’s back up power is ready to go. That includes fixed and/or portable stations.


3) At 0800E hrs, Monday December 11, 2023, I will take weather information from all SC-ARES, SCARC, and SKYWARN spotters using the Elk Mountain Repeater. Attached is the information I am looking for in an excel worksheet.

For the snow amounts, please make sure you secure a flat location where buildings do not interfere (Drifting snow) with your reading’s. I use a 12”x12” board that I put in my driveway away from the house. I clear off that board after each reading taken. As an example; the 0800 hrs reading was 4”. The 1200 hrs reading was 2”. I have received 6” during this weather event.

4) Because several stations cannot hit Elk for whatever reason, at 0830E hrs., I will
monitor HF frequency 3.964 Mhz (+/-) LSB for weather reports.


5) After the reports given tomorrow morning, we will determine whether we will have a 1200E hrs check-in or not. I suspect not but who knows.

This briefing is going out to all folks in my database. I am sorry to report that some of you may receive this notification twice.


73 & God Bless
JohnyMac KC1FWU